Tuesday, 15 July 2014 16:58

New FB 32' SF

FB 32' SF is a new multi purpose vessel of three possible sizes: 7m, 8.5m or 10 m.

The boat is available with 10 different power plants, diesel or gasoline: outboard engines, water jet drives, stern drives, surface drives or conventional drives.

There are 5 possible deck configurations: open, with a central console, long or short cabin and front open space.

This boat is usable as riverine combat up to 50kn, open sea operations up to 30kn, work boat of 7m, 8.5m or 10 m, bridge boat, water ambulance, fire-fighting boat or water Taxi.

The boat is totally unsinkable in all the 3 possible versions, thanks to the FB Design Structural Foam® exclusive technology. The multi-point injection of foam guarantee the best possible structure keeping the weight low.

FB 32' SF is specially designed to carry and beaching troops and a 4WD Quad bike, thanks to special designed ramps that allow an easy disembarkation.

  • Last Modified: 04/03/2025.