Thursday, 28 February 2013 23:11

Fabio Buzzi's new book: Designing the Future

«Back in 1994, when I thought I had already achieved everything I could in the worldwide powerboat arena, I felt the desire to write a book: in Planning to Win I talked about my life, my many success stories dating back to 1960, but I also included some amusing sinking episodes, which taught me more about life than all the rest.

Some of you might even have read this book, many may have browsed through its pages, but many more will have put it on your bookshelf without even opening it. Nobody, I hope, threw it away!

Books should never be thrown away; they are the pillar of human knowledge, which is why I'm glad I was able to write this second book.

I hope some young people will read it and learn a few technical tips they weren't taught at university, that some politicians will learn from chapter 40, and that all men of goodwill will smile at the images of beautiful women that crop up here and there, not because of a Berlusconi-style obsession, but just to make these pages a little more cheerful.

In this second book I have tried to please him, which is why I resume the story from where I left off, with episodes from my life and an account of my company, FB Design, and the many innovative products that we have implemented since 1994, the year I was preparing for the great adventure that you can read about in these pages.

If you don't read it that's OK too, but don't throw it away: maybe if you buy a motor boat in the future it will come in handy to your designer, who will pick up some useful tips to ensure that your new boat travels in a straight line! Never throw away a book!»

Fabio Buzzi

The book is available from Hoepli:


  • Last Modified: 22/10/2024.