Patents are the natural result of FB Design commitment in Research & development field. Since its foundation, in 1971, Fabio Buzzi has always been a forerunner of the new technologies, building, for instance, the first boat in the world using Kevlar.

Since then, FB Design has registered 39 titles in all the fields of boatbuilding, from boat constructions to engines for powerboats, from control systems to drives, from propellers to compact air conditioning systems for small boats, resulting in more than 50 patents worldwide.

All the current production is based on the latest patents, whose aim is to offer our customers fast and safe boats. Amongst them, the most important is the revolutionary Structural Foam® construction system, adopted on the range of both RIBs and rigid hull boats, that makes them unsinkable. Accessory safety systems, protected by patents, are, for instance, the simple but effective safety rudder, the 3TAB® hull configuration and control system, and the throttle system splitting throttles from gear engagement.
Research & Development never stops! Much more is going to come!

  • Last Modified: 13/03/2025.